Confused About Cannabidiol? What You Need To Know About CBD

If you are on-the-fence about the potential benefits of Cannabidiol (CBD) products, know that more studies are emerging to document the possible advantages for many. CBD oil is part of the cannabis plant that is extracted to create a substance that is used in a wide range of products with therapeutic properties to treat a host of ailments and that provide varied health benefits. 

Some CBD oil products include:

  • Gum.
  • Lozenges.
  • Oral sprays.
  • Oral strips.
  • Tinctures.
  • Vaporizing liquid.
  • Edibles, such as food and drinks.

Some compelling qualities of CBD products are:

  • Non-psychoactive.
  • Non-sedating.
  • Not illegal, though laws vary from state to state.
  • Well-tolerated by most individuals. 

Helps with anxiety Cannabidiol is shown to reduce blood-pressure and slow heart-rate, which can be effective at reducing the symptoms of anxiety. Those suffering from acute anxiety or panic attacks may find that a daily regimen including Cannabidiol oil products can significantly reduce episodes and symptoms of stress. Slow-acting CBD products, such as edibles, may be the best approach to managing anxiety.

Can provide sleep aid. CBD acts on the brain and encourages melatonin, which can help individuals that suffer from insomnia. While Cannabidiol is non-sedating, melatonin is a natural chemical in the body that induces sleep. This makes CBD oil products a gentle, natural way to get better sleep.

Shows impact on seizures. Studies are further showing that CBD is effective at preventing episodes of seizures, as well as reducing the severity of seizure activity when it occurs. This is great news for those with epilepsy or other seizure disorders, including children, since CBD is well-tolerated with little to no reported side-effects.

Relieves chronic pain. CBD has shown efficacy in treating chronic pain, particularly nerve or joint pain. This makes it a viable option for arthritis pain, neuropathy, and even in treating symptoms of multiple sclerosis. The inherent qualities of CBD- non-sedating, non-addictive- make it a pragmatic alternative to prescription pain medications.

Lowers blood glucose. CBD is also used by diabetics to help manage glucose sugar levels. Over time and with a provider-supervised regimen, individuals with diabetes may be able to discontinue insulin or medications that help to control blood-sugar levels.

Cannabidiol continues to reveal benefits and health advantages, and it is becoming recognized as an effective treatment alternative for many medical conditions. Talk with your practitioner about how CBD products may help you, as well as whether there are legal ramifications in your particular region.
